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Single Stage & Mult-stage heat pumps
[ 3 Answers ]
What is the difference between a single stage and multi-stage heat pump?
Benefits of two stage vs single stage heat pump
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I'm replacing a 20 year old Lennox two stage heat pump. Live in northwest Florida panhandle. 2400 sq foot single story home. One AC tech suggested not using a two stage replacement unit because of cost. What are advantages of two stage over single and what should I consider in choosing...
Hvac1000: Or ing stage relays (multi-stage stats to single stage)
[ 1 Answers ]
Would you agree that you can and should OR the outputs of say a 2 stage heating stat to make it a single stage? OR means connect the outputs together. Example: Connect W and W2 to create a single stage stat. I'm under the impression that either W1 or W2 is activated and not both and that this...
2 stage furnace / single stage thermostat
[ 1 Answers ]
I am having a Goodman 90,000btu 2 stage, variable speed 5 ton blower furnace put in. I am also have a 3 ton 16 seer A/C put in. They want to set me up with a Honeywell 4000 programmable thermostat. I thought that I read that this thermostat was for single stage heating. Am I getting short changed?... View more questions Search