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Fan Blower not working in "ON" or "AUTO" in heat or AC
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Got home from the Brewer game this afternoon and noticed the house was warm(78). Outside was 91. I checked the T-stat and it was set correct. Noticed the air vents weren't blowing anything. Went outside and the condenser and fan was running fine. Then I went downstairs to the furnace unit to see...
Pink pill with "watson" and "502" on it
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What kind of pill is pink and has watson 502 on it?
Difference between "htm" and "html"
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Hello, In all the websites I make, they all come out when loaded onto the server as a "htm" file. But I see others who have "html" files on their sites, what exactly is the difference, if any? For example: what is the difference between index.htm and index.html and will the nameservers...
Programmable Thermostat Not Working in "AUTO" mode
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Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me here. I have a Honeywell programmable thermostat that was installed by a professional about a year ago. About 3 days ago, the thermostat stopped maintaining a temperature and began dropping. The thermostat is showing HEAT on the display, however, no heat... View more questions Search