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Health insurance policy which covers pre-existing disease-Kidney malfunction
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Hi, I am suffering from Kidney problem. 90% of my kidneys are not functioning. Presently I don't have any Health insurance policy. Can any one tell me the information about the Health insurance policy, which covers the Pre-existing diseases. It would very helpful for me.
Surgery for a hydrocele with no health insurance
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My boyfriend does not have health insurance any longer. He has had a hydrocele for over a year now. He has gotten it drained several times at the Doctor's office but it just fills right back up after a short period. It needs to be surgically repaired. We do not know where to turn next. We do not...
Health insurance - will current employer cover surgery?
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Hello, This question may seem silly, but I just want to make sure I have all my bases covered. I am going to have surgery to repair a torn acl. The surgery is probably going to occur on July 18th. My final day of employment at my current job could be July 27th. I am assuming that my... View more questions Search