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Kidney disease in dog
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Hi I have a one and half yr old chinese crested powder puff dog at eight months he developed a bladder infection, which cleared up with antibiotics. In June of this year he became very sick over a couple of days from being very lively to not wanting to eat or even walk. Took him to vet , they told...
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I live in CA. We are covered under Blue cross HMO plan which does not cover fertility treatments. I would like to know which insurance covers it.
Anemia, kidney disease
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What types of anemia require regular blood transfusions about once a month. Can kidney disease require blood transfusions as well?
Kidney disease and deafness
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Could you please tell me if a parent has kidney failure and kidney disease if a child is conceived could that child be born deaf. My husband died of kidney failure and was 100% disabled because of operations done wrong. He died in VA hospital. My son is deaf and he has it so hard to find work. ... View more questions Search