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HIPAA violation ?
[ 2 Answers ]
My former employer, who is also the owner of the facility( a substance abuse hospital) called one evening asking about treatment for a patient that was admitted earlier that day. This particular patient happened to be a family a family member of his. After checking the patient's chart, it was...
HIPAA violation
[ 2 Answers ]
I just received a print out of all my precriptions from my husbands live in girl friend. I am separated from my husband for almost 2 years and going through divorce. I did have insurance through his work however I have a note on my file at walgreens to not give info to any one but me.. this...
HIPAA violation?
[ 5 Answers ]
I am active duty military and we are always told that we are protected by HIPAA. The other day I found out my medical provider told a joke about me to other medical staff regarding one of my diagnosed medical conditions. Is this considered a HIPAA violation?
Hipaa violation
[ 3 Answers ]
If someone repeates a rumor they heard about someone's medical condition, is this a hipaa violation? And can the person repeating that rumor be sued for slander?
HIPAA Violation?
[ 7 Answers ]
My Mom works for a home health agency. When she did home visits, she became good friends with one of her patients and his wife. She now does chart review in the office. While reviewing charts, she saw a note in "Bob's" chart that his caretaker (wife) had unexpectedly died. She is also friends with... View more questions Search