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What can a previous employer say about you?
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I left my job of almost 2 years just recently. I am now seeking employment elsewhere and wanted to know if my previous employer can give me a "bad" reference. I didn't really leave on the best terms (did not give two weeks notice, but DID finish my shift that day, and informed them that I would not...
Employer says I am NOT self employed but IRS says I am from 1099 misc
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Last year I received a 1099 misc with box 3 filled out from my employer - the IRS called me and said that I had to file that amount as self-employed... my employer says that I am not considered 'self-employed' but the IRS says that if that is the case my employer is filling out the wrong box...
Can an previous employer stop you from working within so many miles of a new employer
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My contract from my previous employer states that I cannot work for a new employer within Five miles and one year. I am a Veternian applying for a job less than five miles from My previous employer. (Its about 3 1/2 miles)About 2 months times has passed.
W2 from a previous Employer
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How can I get my W2 from a previous employer? Is there any way to do this online?
Hit and Run - Dismissed due to Arresting Officer no longer employed by municipality
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My ex was arrested for Hit and Run in January 2007. When the police officer came to his home about 2 hours after the incident was reported, he asked my ex why he did not report it. My ex told the officer that he "wasn't sure how to go about handling the situation." The police report is very... View more questions Search