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Ouickbooks payroll j/e, cash basis using a Payroll Co.
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We use a payroll company to process our payroll. Each payroll they deduct the money for our taxes. If I enter the taxes as a payable, it messes up my books because the money is already deducted with the biweekly payroll. My quarterly reports did not match my QB files and I cannot figure out what...
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When the payroll is paid, payroll taxes become a(n) ________ to the employer.
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Payroll and Payroll Tax Expense on an Income Statement
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I have a payroll check that is about four years old and the payroll company says that they are in no way obligated to reissue me a check, and that the escheat laws only apply to government office jobs but that is not true. Who would I contact to help me on this problem? View more questions Search
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