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Healthcare Jobs for Convicted Felons
[ 15 Answers ]
Hello. This is my first time on this site. Does anyone know if it is possible for a convicted felon (10 years ago) to get into a healthcare career or be eligible for healthcare training? Thank you. Terri
Convicted felon marrying another convicted felon
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Can a convicted felon marry another convicted felon? One is still in prison the other is no longer under supervised release. Both are federal cases.
Healthcare jobs
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Is there any types of health care jobs you can have with 3 misdemeanors?
Past dismissed misdemeanor conviction/healthcare jobs
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Hi, I am a registered dietitian working in New York for about ten years. Eighteen years ago, in Arizona, where I used to live, I was issued a written summons for misdemeanor shoplifting (not arrested or fingerprinted) with court date on it. I was young/dumb and had no lawyer, so showed up to court...
OTR jobs for a convicted felon
[ 2 Answers ]
I am writing to try and help my fiancé. Is there anyone who knows of trucking companies that are willing to give a good man a second chance. There are extenuating circumstances in connection with this conviction. He's a man who took a chance and went back to school to better his life. He... View more questions Search