Career related problem.. Please help!
Hi. I am a 12th grade student and I took up medical sciences a year and a half ago at the beginning of 11th grade . I chose the subject because my parents wanted me too and because of my own comfort and love with the subject.I even joined a coaching centre for extra coaching of the entrance exam as I didn't wanted to leave any stone unturned in the entrance preparation and getting a good college. Everything started well as I was focusing only on my studies but then I met an old best-friend and I started to lose my focus on studies because of him.Then things didn't work out as they were supposed to be with him because of my strict elder brother and now it's been months without him and still I cannot get over him because my such deep love for him and with a broken heart I cannot concentrate back on my goal and career. Knowingly or unknowingly I was fooling my parents all this time and believe me I am guilty for wasting all this time. Presently,I have only 8 months till my school final board exam and immediately thereafter is the entrance exam. And its next to impossible for me to complete my exam syllabus + two year course of entrance exam in these eight months. Moreover, with the extra coaching its really difficult for me to cope up the ongoing school studies. So I tried to convince my parents to get me out of the coaching centre so I can lay complete stress on school studies but now they are not agreeing with me on this. I want to score good marks in my high school exam so as to keep other career options open as well but on this too they are opposing and its utmost important to score good grades in 12th here to stand upright in the future. Dad doesn't care if I score or not in school because all he wants is to make me a doctor no matter if he does this by getting me enrolled by bribing but I want to achieve heights on my effort and not dad's money. Will it be a great choice to opt out of the coaching centre at this last time ? How should I convince my parents that I am not that extraordinary to accomplish this dream of their's ? Help me out of this because I have no clear path to walk on. Everything seems hazy.