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Helpful tips in mixing your own lightening cream/lotion
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Ok guys, I'm starting this thread to give people who are new to mixing their own lightening products a few tips. These tips can also be used in making any other cosmetics. I've made a lot of cosmetics although I have never made a lightening cream/lotion but the principle is the same.:p If anyone...
Pinwheel jasmine black tips
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I recently planted a 4ft. Pinwheel jasmine bush (purchased from a local nursury). I used 2 bags of their enriched soil planted it outside (south Florida). It gets sunshine and I water it once a day. AT first some leaves were turning yellow and dropping off, but I assumed it was shock. Then I...
Any tips on lightening up hair that has been darkened by semi permanent?
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help I've just had my hair salon coloured 3 days ago from dark blonde/mid brown to dark brown almost black! I look ill I'm way to pale for the colour. Before I left the salon I commented to the colourist that it was darker than I had expected but she insisted it would fade up in no time! I rang...
Tips for dying already dyed red hair brown again.
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My natural hair color is sort of an ashy brown... but I do have some red tint to it. I have been dying my hair red for a few years now and have decided that I would like to dye it brown again, does anyone know the easiest way to get this done WITHOUT going to a stylist? --I did try once before to...
Dyed hair lightening
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I have dyed my hair to a permanent dark brown and now I want to lighten it. How do I do that without bleaching it. View more questions Search