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Can I dye my dyed brown hair blonde using xxl blonde dye
[ 11 Answers ]
hey, ive been dying my hair since i was about 13 now, and ive had it multiple shades of brown, and one red. some semi-perminent and some perminent. recently i decided to dye my hair a medium blonde and was wondering if by using the xxl blonde dye from schwarzkopf, i could lighten it up back to...
Can I put blonde dye over dyed brown hair
[ 2 Answers ]
I dyed my naturally blonde hair brown and I want to dye it back to blonde so is it safe to put blonde hair dye over my already dyed brown hair. The dye has faded a lot and I can see blonde streaks in my hair. Please help
Can I dye my hair blonde if I dyed it light brown yesterday
[ 1 Answers ]
Well I got this hair dye and it was suppose to turn my dark brown hair to a lighter brown almost dirty blonde, but it just made it darker. And I got a light blonde hair dye the next day is it OK to dye it again when I dyed it yesterday??
How can I dye my hair from light brown to blonde myself
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Hi my hair is light brown with blonde highlights all over but I want to go fully blonde. How can I do this by myself Please help!! View more questions Search