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    h_leann_b's Avatar
    h_leann_b Posts: 247, Reputation: 35
    Full Member

    Mar 23, 2009, 12:48 PM
    How can I style my hair in 40's style?
    I am going to a themed party this weekend(pin-up girls/army guys). And I need a cute 30s/40s hairstyle. I want something that looks like Dita Von Teese. My hair is about shoulder length. I can't find a good how-to website for achieving this look. Anyone know of any? Thanks :)
    PunkChic's Avatar
    PunkChic Posts: 986, Reputation: 51
    Senior Member

    Mar 24, 2009, 12:41 PM


    Check out this ladies YouTube video on styling hair like Dita Von Teese.
    YouTube - Dita Von Teese Hair-Tutorial
    Another one for 20s/30s hair

    Check out her other videos, they're really good. :)

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