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Allergic to hair dye? What should I do?
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Ok so, I wanted to dye my hair brown again, and I went to the store to pick out a dye, I picked up L'Oreal Preference in Medium Ash Brown, and didn't think anything of it because I have used Feria before, and they are the same brand. I dyed my hair Saturday evening and when I woke up Sunday morning...
Allergic reaction on using Hair colour
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I am 53 years, more than 50% hair has become gray which is not acceptable to me. I tried many hair dyes to make it black but all of those causes allergic ( skin ) reaction. Now I am using henna, but its red colour is also unaccetable. How can I make my hair black without causing any allergic...
Allergic to hair dyes
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Am I allergic?
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