New Member
Jan 8, 2008, 12:21 AM
Allergic to hair dye? What should I do?
Ok so, I wanted to dye my hair brown again, and I went to the store to pick out a dye, I picked up L'Oreal Preference in Medium Ash Brown, and didn't think anything of it because I have used Feria before, and they are the same brand. I dyed my hair Saturday evening and when I woke up Sunday morning there were little red bumps on the back of my ears... exactly where the dye had contact with my skin before I wiped up my mess. They aren't itchy they are just warm to the touch and hurt if you do put pressure on them. I washed my hair last night(sunday) even though you are supposed to wait 48 hours because I figured if I washed the dye out some, it would help the bumps go away. I woke up this morning(monday) and they had spread, up in front of my ears, on my ears, in my ears, and my forehead near the scalp. I washed my hair again today and also washed my pillows in case there were some chemicals on the pillow still. They seem to be getting worse! I've never had this kind of problem before with ANY hair dye, so I'm kind of freaking out! Has anyone else ever had this happen? If so what did you have to do? Thanks to anyone who has any information to help!
Jan 8, 2008, 03:59 PM
If you are having an allergic reaction to a hair dye and it's getting worse, please see a doctor right away. Some permanent hair dyes contain an ingredient called para-phenylenediamine (PPD) which can cause allergies. Other ingredients in hair dyes that can cause allergies are called 6-hydroxyindole, Isatin and p-Methylaminophenol. To be on the safe side, do a patch test by putting a dab of hair dye behind the ear or on your elbow to test for allergic reactions before coloring your hair again.
New Member
Jan 9, 2008, 08:59 PM
try using a natural hair colorant such as henna...
New Member
Jun 18, 2009, 12:13 AM
I just got a bad allergic reaction to a black hair dye. It started with a lump on the back of my head behind my ear and under the skin on the back of my neck my neck under my hair. Then my scalp went crazy and I had to go to the dermatologist for a cortizone shot.
The Doctor said it can take up to 7 days for your body to react to a new allergy.
Do you have an itchy scalp? Is your scalp wet like an open wound? Do you have lumps under your skin on the back of your had and neck?
If so go buy a Peppermint Oil based leave in conditioner and leave it on your hair after you shower. It will help you make it through the night without itching. You can leave it in during the day to if you wear a head wrap or bandana.
And call a dermatologist to get a shot. My reaction took over a week in a half to develop so catch it before it gets worse.
New Member
Jul 24, 2009, 08:37 PM
I have been going to the same stylist for years and she always dyes my hair with the same dye, and this past January I had a minor alergic reaction to the dark color used underneath my hair that contacted my skin, but it was only a rash that went away a few days later. However, about a month ago I had my hair colored again the same way as I have always done with the same stylist, and a day later my head swelled so badly where the dark colored dye had touched my scalp that I couldn't even move my head, so I went to the hospital and when I arrived I was beginning to become short of breath and when they finally called me to the back my throat was beginning to close up due to the allergic reaction. Needless to say I can never dye my hair again unless it is foiled, and if the dye contacts my skin the reaction would be even more severe than the last and it would more than likely kill me. The doctor told me that many people dye each year from an alergy to hair dye, even if they have never been alergic before, which was my case. So, if you experience any sort of rash, swelling, or anything like that after you have your hair dyed you should immediately go to the hospital because that sort of reaction can be deadly.
New Member
Jul 24, 2009, 08:37 PM
I have been going to the same stylist for years and she always dyes my hair with the same dye, and this past January I had a minor alergic reaction to the dark color used underneath my hair that contacted my skin, but it was only a rash that went away a few days later. However, about a month ago I had my hair colored again the same way as I have always done with the same stylist, and a day later my head swelled so badly where the dark colored dye had touched my scalp that I couldn't even move my head, so I went to the hospital and when I arrived I was beginning to become short of breath and when they finally called me to the back my throat was beginning to close up due to the allergic reaction. Needless to say I can never dye my hair again unless it is foiled, and if the dye contacts my skin the reaction would be even more severe than the last and it would more than likely kill me. The doctor told me that many people dye each year from an alergy to hair dye, even if they have never been alergic before, which was my case. So, if you experience any sort of rash, swelling, or anything like that after you have your hair dyed you should immediately go to the hospital because that sort of reaction can be deadly.
New Member
Dec 16, 2009, 05:24 AM
I had my hair dyed on Monday only the underneath, I had never died my hair before so its my own fault I didn't do a skin test but now I got red lumps all over my head and the back of my ears. I have 2 big lumps on the back of my head. I'm getting A lot of bald patches. And it is driving me mad with itching!
I will never die my hair again!
New Member
Jul 7, 2010, 10:56 AM
Hair dye has affected my central nervous system. IF you are allergic, please STOP IMMEDIATELY!
Mine allergy started w/ itching and some bumps at first on the head, neck and ears. Then the rash went to my arms and chest and back. My last dye job (which I only do foil)was about 2 1/2 months ago and this time my head swelled and puss was coming out of my head all over to the point my pillow was saturated and my hair was soaking wet within a few minutes. I of course went to the ER right away and was given prednisone. But for the past 2 months now, I still have a rash which completes my whole body, I have had ear aches, and just not feeling well! Head still itches so much and yesterday I just found out that due to the allergic reaction I have become Asthmatic. This is just horrible and so painful. I will NEVER dye again - have to go gray at 40 years old which sucks, but I rather live than die!
New Member
Sep 2, 2010, 07:20 AM
The red, itchy, hot lumps sound like 'Hives'; which are usually triggered by heat, pressure or in this case hair dye. The lumps consist of histamine and when you itch them they spread and create more 'hives'. So the best thing you can do is not itch and ask your doctor if you can get a cooling cream such as aquias cream or anti-histamines, hope this helps a little bit.
Ultra Member
Sep 2, 2010, 11:08 AM
I had the same problem and my doctor told me to take benedryl and use olive oil on my scalp to coat the hair strands. It did help, but the problem didn't totally go away from about 2 weeks.
New Member
Feb 5, 2011, 08:40 AM
My daughter had a severe allergic re-action to LiveXXL SCHWARZKOPF -- her head swelled to twice the size -- she resembled a likeness to the characters in Avatar -- I promptly gave her piriton -- buy any chemist -- and two trips to the docs for a strong anti histame.
Concerned parent
New Member
May 24, 2011, 06:58 PM
Me too I hade the same problem... I ve dyed my hair for many year,s since I was a teen. Then started getting allergic to bleach so I stop using it, then swicthed to red that was OK just minor rashing then haven't dyed my hair for closed to a year then dyed them red over 2 months ago out of the blue started getting itchy ten red then nevers ten statred feeling like my tunge was swelling took benidrills was better but still I get itchy and bumps around my neck hairline breack out I never went to the hospetle or er or doctor shout I or will it go away
New Member
Jan 12, 2012, 11:28 AM
I am allergic to Hair dye, I tried a demi color with no ammonia and unfortunately that didn't help, I must be allergic to para-phenylenediamine. I tried a few patch tests, there is a product called Elumen, which I have no reaction to.
Does anyone know of other products that do not have any ammonia or para-phenylenediamine in it??
New Member
Apr 3, 2012, 04:36 AM
I have used haie color for years but on 3-29-2012 things went really bad.Colored my hair next day just over night the back of my ears neck face was broke out with bad rash,blisters,itching.Then five days later went to the er I was in so much pain.Got 2 shots 3 prescritionts over night feels 90% better.Please use an all naturai hair dye.
New Member
Apr 23, 2012, 07:28 AM
I have had the something to the point where my throat started to close! I started having an allergic reaction many years prior and I was just dumb and kept dyeing and then it got so bad that I went to a brand that just took water bejin I believe and it was sever!! I know later in years use vegan dyes like manac panic (make sure you put a plastic cap on and blow dry the hair warm to hold better!! ) I can also use Special Effects and demi permanent by 'N' Rage and have not had one reaction!! So I thought I would share so no one has to go with gray!! LOL
New Member
May 3, 2012, 07:51 PM
My last visit to a beauty salon to color my hair was such a bad experience. I came in on Sunday for hair coloring appointment. Things went OK as usual. Monday I got up to realize that my whole face was swollen, my head was itchy, my hair was wet and tangled because my scalp was burn and bleeding with plasma, I felt dizzy and my vision was blurry. I hardly recognized myself from the mirror. My condition was so bad that I decided to go to ER. The doctor cleansed my scalp, checked my head, gave me a shot and prescribed some allergy medications. He advised me NOT to dye my hair again since my allergic reaction was severe, and that the chemicals in the dye may kill me next time. I have not colored my hair for the last five years. Although the gray makes me look older than my age, but I am glad I am healthy and live happily.
New Member
May 4, 2012, 05:37 PM
Did your hair get all crunchy? Are only allergic to something that's in black hairdye?
New Member
Jun 6, 2012, 11:40 AM
I have had a similar reaction,I got my hair streaked with blonde highlights in hairdressers and came up in bad reaction,I started to go red all over my skin and itchy and my face swelled.I peed blood and my body began to shake and my teeth chattered.I am afraid to dye my hair again
New Member
Jul 23, 2012, 01:03 PM
I have been dying my hair for years. In April 2012 I died my hair using a home kit and afterwards I was left with little blisters all over my scalp. Thinking that It may have been me leaving the dye in too long, I decided to go to the salon the next time. June came and I needed color really bad, so I went to the salon, explained to them about what happened in April and that it may be sensative skin. Well the dye went in and every thing looked good. Two days later - the blisters started to show on my scalp and on the third day, my face and neck started swelling. To the point that I couldn't see out of my left eye and my neck was very stiff. A trip to the clinic showed me that Allergic reactions can happen anytime.
Any suggestion on how to color my hair now??
New Member
Oct 17, 2012, 02:11 PM
I have dyed my hair for years with no problem until feb 1211 I dyed my hair in the morning my ears were so painfully itchy I thought I must have burnt it while straighting it got worse every minute my ears were weeping to the point I had to put a towel round my shoulders my scalp felt like it was on fire with the itch I eventually went to hospital and was hospitalised for 5 days still thinking it was from a burn to my ear that had maybe got infected a while later I dyed my hair again and omg I could have ended everything there & then I was so uncomfortable itchy in constent pain when I went back to hospital the dr knew straight away only then did the penny drop it was the dye the doctor said in all the cases he had seen mine was the worse by far and throu research he had done it was probably due to polyimide or something like that I researched online about her dyes without that in it I found one in super drug and did a test and had no reaction after 48hrs I was delighted so dyed my hair the next day my head was burning itchy and my face swolled up to about 3 sizes my husband got such a shock he cried when he seen me I am able to use non permanent dye until that is just this week I did a little tiny spot test and now have a huge lump on my head and behind my ear so no more hair dye for me think il be buying a good wig just not worth the risk I would just love to know why now is this a common problem never heard of it till I started researching it now its as common as the flu??
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