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Bankrupsy and senior citizens
[ 4 Answers ]
My question to you is I have a personal friend ,who is a senior citizen and co signed on a car note. The car was repossessed after a short time,now the are taking her to court to pay 14,000 her only source of income is social security,she has no car no home,no assets She wants to file...
a/c repair for senior citizens
[ 2 Answers ]
I am a senior citizen with no financial help and need a/c repair. Can anyone help? Houston, TX
received lump sum of social security money. Do I pay taxes at end of year?
[ 1 Answers ]
I received lump sum of social security money for I pay taxes on the money at end of year
Senior Citizens:
[ 6 Answers ]
This is a questionnaire for old people can you please fill it out? I am a student who is currently studying at University, I am doing a project on older people and have to design a new service, network or other solution that would benefit older people experiencing or vulnerable to loneliness...
Senior citizens on social security
[ 4 Answers ]
One senior receives $26,000 married filing joinly. The wife has no income. Of the $26,000 only $11,000 is taxable pension, the rest is social security. If he Wanted to itemized he would have $5,000 mortgage interest/3 exemptions (son also over 18) filing joinly is $17,500 But what is the... View more questions Search