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National Driver License
[ 7 Answers ]
In a article I read in my local paper regarding the National Driver License, part of the Real ID Act that the Federal Governments wants. It is coming apparent the If the states do not comply, than citizen of that state will not be allow to board and planes of enter any Federal Building, Ex.(Post...
National ID
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Has anyone heard of the National ID and "the mark of the beast"? What are your thoughts? WorldNetDaily: Is coming national ID 'mark of the beast'?
National Purpose
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What is the national purpose of the country Paraguay
Being difficult on purpose
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Well, my friend went to mediation on Tuesday and the mediator basically told him that her anger issues aren't important right now, I'm here for the child to get you two to agree on a parenting plan. They have to have separate appts because he has a restraining order on her. She just wants to use...
Accidents in crate on purpose?
[ 2 Answers ]
My Basset/terrier WAS crate trained. I am home most of the day but when I leave it is for ver short periods. In the last couple of weeks he has progressivly gotten worse about pooping and peing in the crate. The first time it happened we excused it as an accident, then a few days later we... View more questions Search