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Jury Duty
[ 17 Answers ]
I have researched various web sites about avoiding jury duty and many said that judges can be jerks when it comes to dismissing jurors even when they have a valid excuse such as loss of income of health reasons. Most sites said the best way to avoid it is to simply throw away your summons because...
Jury duty probability
[ 1 Answers ]
You and two friends are selected for jury duty along with 27 others. Of you 30 tweleve will be selected and eighteen dismissed. Presuming each of the 30 has an equal probability of selection or dismissal determine the following probabilities: A. You will be selected B. You will be dismissed C....
Jury duty thoughts anyone?
[ 22 Answers ]
I recently got a notice from the county where I live that I may soon be chosen for jury duty. So I started looking up information about serving jury duty and I came upon something interesting. The article seems to think that the point of a trail by jury is so that a small percentage of people can...
Jury duty
[ 2 Answers ]
Are you required to serve a second term on a jury if you have served in the past?
Jury Duty
[ 5 Answers ]
I am breast feeding single mother, I work 3 days a week(freelancer). I have to work to provide for me and a baby, I pay babysitter when working. -How do I get out of Jury duty and be truthful? View more questions Search