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President Obama!
[ 283 Answers ]
I really do hope that he can deliver, he is one of the few politicians I have ever had any faith in. Let's give this man a chance before we crucify him. McCain gave a very graceful and heartfelt speech of concession, and I respect him. Discuss your thoughts!
Can Obama legally be president?
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This came in as an email. Is there a constitutional lawyer out there who can tell us if the law quoted below is authentic or not? CAN OBAMA LEGALLY BE PRESIDENT? It seems that Barack Obama is not qualified to be president after all for the following reason: Barack Obama is not legally a...
President Obama
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Hello: I don't know. Looks to me like he's unstoppable. Even the Fox guys were knocked out by his speech. He summed it up in one word, "enough!". excon
The next president Obama
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Hey guys what do you think about Obama being the next president? Do you think he's the Anti Christ? The Bible does talk about Israel being wiped of the map! :eek: View more questions Search