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Qualifications for Presidency
[ 2 Answers ]
Qualifications for Presidency An eighth grade teacher was leading a discussion on the qualifications for being president of the United States. After the teacher commented that a person must be a natural-born citizen, one of the students raised her hand: Does that mean that if you were born by...
Who is trying to buy the presidency?
[ 11 Answers ]
The word is that Obama has spent $300,000,000.00 (before tha last infomercials). No one in their right mind believes this astronomical sum came from blue collar workers. So I would like to know just who has that kind of money and wants Obama in the White House. This whole thing stinks like a skunk...
Power of the Presidency
[ 2 Answers ]
The Power of the Presidency has been cause for debate MAINLY because why? A) The presidency is the most powerful office in the world. B) The Constitution provided a loose definition of executive power. C) The presidency is an office that operates in full view of the public. D) Leaders wanted to...
The Imperial Presidency
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Hello Rightys: It appears that George Bush has taken on some additional duties for himself(and I use the term loosely). You could argue that he hasn't, and you'd be wrong. However, my question isn't about him. Of course, if his expanded view of the presidency isn't curtailed, whoever...
United states constituition
[ 1 Answers ]
Name the four ways in which the United States COnstituition has been developed since 1 789 and give an example of each. View more questions Search