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Shoplifting and Citizenship in Canada
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Hi, I was charged with shoplifting in 2007 and was asked to pay a fine of 60$ (appx). I applied for citizenship iin 2011 and did'nt mentioned my charge in the application. I did my police background check and it came out clear. Now my question is will I have any problem with my citizenship?
Duel Citizenship for Canada and America
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I was wondering how do you apply for a duel citizenship for Canada and the U.S. I was born in Canada and so were both my parents, however my grandfather was born in the States. I've lived in Canada my entire life but some day I would like to move to the states.
What is the fastest way to gain citizenship in canada?
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Now let me explain the situation. I'm an American woman on a 6 month visit in canada with my boyfriend and his family who are Canadian Citizens. Problem 1 - me and my boyfriend are expecting a child to be born roughly January 26th. We have decided to have the baby in Canada seeing as It's...
Gettig a canadian citizenship while out of canada
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Hi... I am a landed immigrant in Canada. In May 5,2009 I would have to apply for citizenship. In June this yr I should leave Canada going back to my country, in Europe. However, I still want the citizenship even though I don't plan to comeback in Canada. Does anyone knows if I can still get it? And... View more questions Search
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