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Landlord Requiring 2 month Vacating Notice on 3 month (month to month) lease
[ 21 Answers ]
I am in a situation and am in need of some advice. I am currently renting an apartment in Minneapolis. I am doing an internship which only requires me to live here for 3 Months. I signed a lease with a complex on a month to month basis. I planned to Move out at the end of April, so on march 1 I...
Upstate NY Month to Month lease termination- Prorated rent after 1st of next month?
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Hi, As a month to month renter in Rochester, NY (outside the city) with no lease, I gave notice on June 3 that I would be moving out on July 1. My landlord proceeded to tell me that I would be responsible for the ENTIRE month of July's rent, even though my 30 day notice would take me to the...
Is it common to have a 2 month notice to vacate on a month to month lease?
[ 2 Answers ]
Can my landlord require me to give a 2 months notice to vacate even though my lease is month to month? It was in the lease which was originally a 1 year lease which after the year, change to month to month. I can see giving 60 days with the year lease, but not on a month to month. View more questions Search