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    jenniferl's Avatar
    jenniferl Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 8, 2009, 06:42 PM
    Is my 2 year old extra bright or average?

    Just wondering what I can do to help my 2 year old son, he never seems to focus or appear to be learning, he can't sit still long enough! But he knows all of the following:
    Could play 'peek-a-boo' at 6 months, Has understood the difference between 1and 2 items since about 14 months
    Has used tripod grasp to draw since 18 months, can identify about 1/2 alphabet letters, what sound they make and what starts with that letter e.g. m 'mm' mummy
    Counts to 10, knows all prepositions top/bottom in/on over/under etc, makes up and sings own songs
    Seems to understand yesterday, today, tomorrow, Understands what it means to wait, e.g.. At the supermarket If told to wait until we pay for the items he will not ask for it until then, can identify most colours, can identify circle, square, triangle, hexagon
    Can draw a circle and vertical and horizontal lines, can play rhyming games, understands voice pitch

    He seems to get bored very easily, is there anything I could give him that might interest him? Do you think he is gifted or just better at learning than other 2 year olds? I have never explicitly taught him any of the concepts he understands

    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jan 8, 2009, 06:46 PM
    As a mother of 4 children myself ranging in age from 22 - 6, it sounds as though you have a beautiful smart little boy. It sounds as if he is hitting his developmental milestones right on target.

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