Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 07:05 AM
And yet another lateral thinking puzzle
Deep in the forest was found the body of a man who was wearing only swimming trunks, snorkel and facemask. The nearest lake was 8 miles away and the sea was 100 miles away. How had he died?
I'm new at this, so we'll see how it goes. I think it is a lot easier than Morgaine's train puzzle :)
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 07:13 AM
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 07:13 AM
Was the man killed?
Were the facemask and snorkel still on his face?
Was his swimsuit cut at any place?
Did the man have any weapon with him like a knife?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Unknown008
Was the man killed? No
Were the facemask and snorkel still on his face? Probably
Was his swimsuit cut at any place? No, I don't think so.
Did the man have any weapon with him like a knife? No
I find myself second guessing how to answer some questions. Bear with me. :)
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 08:42 AM
I am just marking my place here, but I will not answer this one because I know the answer.
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by adam_89
I am just marking my place here, but I will not answer this one because I know the answer.
Darn. I was looking forward to you playing. :(
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 08:55 AM
Did the man fell from the sky?
Was there anything else with him like for example a parachute bag?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Unknown008
Did the man fell from the sky? Yes
Was there anything else with him like for example a parachute bag? No
You might solve this before Morgaine gets a chance to play. Maybe Adam will have to look for a puzzle for her.
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:10 AM
Ok, possible scenario.
The man went at night to do some diving we don't want to know why. He flew over in a plane/helicopter/etc and jumped, thinking he was going to 'land' in the water, but instead, fell in the forest.
Is that it? :)
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by Unknown008
Ok, possible scenario.
The man went at night to do some diving we don't want to know why. He flew over in a plane/helicopter/etc and jumped, thinking he was going to 'land' in the water, but instead, fell in the forest.
Is that it? :)
No. I think you'll need more questions.
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:26 AM
Was the man's suit wet?
Is it relevant that there is a lake 8 miles away?
Is there any cliff nearby?
Is there any mountain nearby?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:31 AM
Was the man's suit wet? Yes, it was at one time. May have dried out by the time he was found.
Is it relevant that there is a lake 8 miles away? Yes
Is there any cliff nearby? Irrelevant. (haha, I feel rude saying that)
Is there any mountain nearby? Irrelevant.
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:38 AM
Lol, it's good to know that something's irrelvant :)
Ok, so, did the man get on a plane?
Or a helicopter?
Did he slip because of his wet feet and fell down down down in the forest?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:41 AM
Ok, so, did the man get on a plane? Technically no, he did not get on a plane. I'm trying not to mislead you here. :o
Or a helicopter? No.
Did he slip because of his wet feet and fell down down down in the forest? No.
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 09:57 AM
Is it relevant how he got up in the sky?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Unknown008
Is it relevant how he got up in the sky?
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 10:16 AM
He climbed on a ladder attached to a flying vehicle?
Did he get on the vehicle?
Is the vehicle relevant?
Did the vehicle fly high enough to avoid the trees?
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 10:19 AM
He climbed on a ladder attached to a flying vehicle? No
Did he get on the vehicle? I think I did mislead you. He somehow got on the vehicle. Try to figure out how.
Is the vehicle relevant? Yes
Did the vehicle fly high enough to avoid the trees? Yes.
I need to get some work done but I'll check back in a while.
Uber Member
Sep 9, 2010, 10:52 AM
Does the vehicle has wings?
Is the vehicle a seaplane?
Is the man a secret agent? (:p)
Ultra Member
Sep 9, 2010, 11:11 AM
Oh I thought it was a helicopter. Maybe I am wrong on this one. Or maybe different versions. I will pm you J-Lo.
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