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Texas law - if child is in CPS, can father get custody?
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My son dated a girl a couple years ago that now claims he is the father of her son. My son found out the child was born addicted and has been in and out of CPS custody after her failing to pass required drug test and complete what the court has ordered. He has now been served to show for a court...
Can I get full custody back after cps gave my mother and I joint custody?
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Can I get full custody back after cps gave my mother and I joint custody
Texas CPS
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Six weeks my brother and his girlfriend had their next to last permanency hearing. During that hearing, the judge ordered that I begin visitation with my niece. I had already begun visitation the previous weekend. I have a pretty open relationship with the foster mom and cps said that...
Texas law for great aunt getting custody of great niece and nephew from c.p.s.and mom
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I had kinship of my great niece and nephew, now they are in foster care. I think they belong with a family member who knows them and they know. I just don't know how to go about getting them back in our life. Please help! I don't know how to get this started. Their mom don't seem to be even trying... View more questions Search