New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 12:02 PM
No home
I'm homeless. I got kicked out my house by my mother and have no where else to stay. What should I do?
Education Expert
Jun 2, 2013, 12:07 PM
How old are you and why were you kicked out?
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 12:15 PM
 Originally Posted by teacherjenn4
How old are you and why were you kicked out?
17 and because I was "disrespectful"
current pert
Jun 2, 2013, 12:23 PM
What country, state?
Where are you staying?
Have you finished high school?
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 12:33 PM
 Originally Posted by joypulv
What country, state?
Where are you staying?
Have you finished high school?
United States, Arizona
May 16
I'm moving around
No I'm going to be a senior
Pets Expert
Jun 2, 2013, 12:47 PM
 Originally Posted by Mario123mlp
United States, Arizona
May 16
I'm moving around
No I'm going to be a senior
Where are you staying now that you have internet access?
Have you contacted CPS about this?
Education Expert
Jun 2, 2013, 12:52 PM
 Originally Posted by Mario123mlp
17 and because I was "disrespectful"
Can you stay with relatives?
current pert
Jun 2, 2013, 12:58 PM
AZ does define incorrigible child, but doesn't allow parents to kick them out until they are 18.
Parents have to use police and courts to deal with violence, and schools deal with truancy. Disrespect doesn't count.
16. "Incorrigible child" means a child who:
(a) Is adjudicated as a child who refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of a parent, guardian or custodian and who is beyond the control of that person.
(b) Is habitually truant from school as defined in section 15-803, subsection C.
(c) Is a runaway from the child's home or parent, guardian or custodian.
(d) Habitually behaves in such a manner as to injure or endanger the morals or health of self or others.
(e) Commits any act constituting an offense that can only be committed by a minor and that is not designated as a delinquent act.
(f) Fails to obey any lawful order of a court of competent jurisdiction given in a noncriminal action.
You can just have the police take you home and they will know what to say to your mother.
When do you turn 18? Be forewarned; she can kick you out on your birthday!
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:08 PM
 Originally Posted by Alty
Girl friends house
If CPS is involved then she will have problems with my other siblings
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:09 PM
 Originally Posted by teacherjenn4
Can you stay with relatives?
Yea but only for Alitalia bit I don't want to go and take there money ally family has kids to support
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:11 PM
 Originally Posted by joypulv
AZ does define incorrigible child, but doesn't allow parents to kick them out til they are 18.
Parents have to use police and courts to deal with violence, and schools deal with truancy. Disrespect doesn't count.
16. "Incorrigible child" means a child who:
(a) Is adjudicated as a child who refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of a parent, guardian or custodian and who is beyond the control of that person.
(b) Is habitually truant from school as defined in section 15-803, subsection C.
(c) Is a runaway from the child's home or parent, guardian or custodian.
(d) Habitually behaves in such a manner as to injure or endanger the morals or health of self or others.
(e) Commits any act constituting an offense that can only be committed by a minor and that is not designated as a delinquent act.
(f) Fails to obey any lawful order of a court of competent jurisdiction given in a noncriminal action.
You can just have the police take you home and they will know what to say to your mother.
When do you turn 18? Be forewarned; she can kick you out on your birthday!
I don't want to go back that will makes thing worse me and my mom always argue
Education Expert
Jun 2, 2013, 01:11 PM
 Originally Posted by Mario123mlp
Yea but only for Alitalia bit I don't want to go and take there money ally family has kids to support
You could get a job to help. What is Alitalia?
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:12 PM
 Originally Posted by teacherjenn4
You could get a job to help. What is Alitalia?
I meant a little
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:13 PM
 Originally Posted by teacherjenn4
You could get a job to help. What is Alitalia?
Finding a Job is hard no one takes me
Education Expert
Jun 2, 2013, 01:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Mario123mlp
Finding a Job is hard no one takes me
Why is that? Are you dressed for success?
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 01:23 PM
 Originally Posted by teacherjenn4
Why is that? Are you dressed for success?
What u mean dressed for success
current pert
Jun 2, 2013, 02:27 PM
I'm guessing that you don't have clothes suitable for applying for jobs, but some fast food places are desperate. You need to apply soon before the student summer rush of applicants. Try to look your best.
Did you get a chance to pack a bag when you left?
You CAN'T stay homeless your senior year. PLEASE don't drop out. You have no idea what that means, how hard it is to get a GED, how you slowly lose your friends, and you won't get any job, just because they want proof that you can finish school, not that you need History to flip burgers.
I had a mother who yelled every minute. I stayed until I finished. Please go home and grit your teeth and be 'respectful' by staying out of her hair as much as possible, being neat and clean, not eating her out of house and home with the fridge door open - come on, you know what you have to do!
New Member
Jun 2, 2013, 02:35 PM
 Originally Posted by joypulv
I'm guessing that you don't have clothes suitable for applying for jobs, but some fast food places are desperate. You need to apply soon before the student summer rush of applicants. Try to look your best.
Did you get a chance to pack a bag when you left?
You CAN'T stay homeless your senior year. PLEASE don't drop out. You have no idea what that means, how hard it is to get a GED, how you slowly lose your friends, and you won't get any job, just because they want proof that you can finish school, not that you need History to flip burgers.
I had a mother who yelled every minute. I stayed til I finished. Please go home and grit your teeth and be 'respectful' by staying out of her hair as much as possible, being neat and clean, not eating her out of house and home with the fridge door open - come on, you know what you have to do!
Thanks I no what I have to do no
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