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Can a child leave care at 16
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My daughter was taken into foster care at 13 she now 15 wants 2 come home I've sorted my life after a 16 yr violent marriage now divorced off drugs I want here home I've got no money 2 take it back 2 court what can I do? Or can she come home at 16 ? I've raised my 18yr old girl she has done well...
Can I leave foster care at age 15?
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I want to leave the system and live independently, but I'm 15. Is that a possibility or do I have to wait until 16 to be independent
Can my 16 yr old daughter leave care and come home
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18F in care with a baby want to leave but can't.
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OK well to start things off I'm doing a little research for my sister. I'm 21 and grew up in care also. Never had anything wrong against the family I lived with. My sister still lives with the same family. She is currently 18 years old and has a 2 week old baby. She wants to move into her... View more questions Search
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