Junior Member
Apr 22, 2014, 01:13 PM
How do I research this dream of helping youth?
I've had this idea forming in my mind for some time now & wanted to research it but can't seem to type the right thing into the search box.
I have been thinking that I want to spend my life helping kids. The thought of starting an orphanage came to mind, but I don'tthink that's quite what I'm looking for. I want to help kids more, and I'm notentirely comfortable around babies.
I was thinking about starting a home for troubled kids,where they have structure, get good counseling, learn responsibilities andrespect. Maybe also teach them how to survive on their own, you know teach themeverything I think schools should already be teaching them.
So how would you start researching this? And I'm sure you'dhave to get schooling on certain things, what do you think that would involve?Do you suppose there would be certifications you would have to obtain?
Also funding; I know that the government helps with orphanages (not enough inmy opinion), but is there any sort of funding available for something morealong these lines? And if so, I imagine the government would want to get theirstinky fingers in on it and set rules and what not, what restrictions would I haveto follow?
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 22, 2014, 01:37 PM
How old are you, and what level of schooling have you completed? Are yo u ibn the U.S.?
You don't have to start an orphanage to help kids. Have you done any tutoring or Scoutung or worked with kids somehow?
Junior Member
Apr 22, 2014, 01:41 PM
I am 22 & have graduated high school. And I am an US citizen born & raised
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 22, 2014, 01:47 PM
Have you ever helped/taught kids?
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 22, 2014, 03:12 PM
As for researching this idea, go to your local (or a bigger) public library and ask your question at the reference desk. A librarian will give you information (used to be in books but now may be on databases) of grants and other money available through foundations. Also, the library may own (or can request for you) books on local ordinances, state and county rules/laws, and federal requirements for an orphanage or some other facility for kids. Because of all the child abuse and molesting that's been in the news, things have tightened up considerably.
I suggest you volunteer at a hospital (children's wing), school (as a classroom aide or tutor or playground monitor), in Boy Scouts, at a church that helps local or inner-city youth -- especially if you haven't been around kids very much. Just be aware that there may be requirements for fingerprinting, a background check, and letters of recommendation. Your library or town hall or township office will know of volunteer opportunities.
current pert
Apr 22, 2014, 03:39 PM
Funding, no, not for years of struggling as your own non-profit, getting donations locally. No one gives out money based on a dream. You have to prove yourself.
Stinky fingers, of course - non profits pay no taxes. So you have to keep records and still file tax returns to prove you are using the money, not keeping it.
Railing against the machine will get you nowhere. Learn the ropes and the rules and when you are a seasoned veteran, then you can fight to change things.
Uber Member
Apr 22, 2014, 03:45 PM
In addition, depending on where you live, there may be a children's home that you can contact to set up a visit for asking questions. You can certainly contact one through email or by phone as well.
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