New Member
Apr 19, 2015, 08:38 PM
How do I get put into foster care?
I am a twelve year old girl and my parents hate me. My dad has physically beat me for several years now and my mom has put me under mental and emotional abuse. They keep me out of the house as much as they can, and the time that I am home the enjoy abusing me. They locked me out of the house for a month last year, and it was for listening to music! I have never done self harm because you get to a point that you are so broken, self harm won't do anything. I cant handle this anymore, what do I do? Oh and my ad was a firefighter and paramedic so nobody would believe me if I told them what he did to me. Thank you for you're help!
Apr 19, 2015, 09:00 PM
They locked you out for an entire month!?
What you need to do is talk to a teacher or counselor at school. They will then be required to report the abuse and your situation will be investigated.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 19, 2015, 09:02 PM
What did you do during the month you were locked out?
Please tell a teacher about this or tell the school counselor.
Apr 20, 2015, 02:12 AM
To be put into foster care, you have to report them of abuse. The CPS will investigate, talk to your parents, talk to other adults that may know your family. If you were locked out for a month, the adults of the house you stayed can tell about this.
But there will have to be reported and investigated.
Apr 20, 2015, 04:10 AM
What did your friends and teachers say about the marks from the beatings for such a long time? If it has been going on for so long, and you are only 12, your mom must have had some explaining to do !
If you think foster care will be a piece of cake, just be warned, your privileges will be less then you think they are at home. Group homes are sometimes used, meals would be whatever can be cooked in batches and you will be expected to take care of your own washing!
I wish your mom could see your post. It would be very hurtful to her.
I don't believe you for one minute.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
Apr 20, 2015, 04:43 AM
I'm with tickle, I find it very hard to believe your story. A 12 yr old being locked out of the house for a month and no one picked up on it? What did you wear, how did you change your clothes, how did you eat, where did you sleep? Some one must have noticed something. Teachers are trained to pick up on things like this.
But, in the unlikely event your story is true, talk to your teacher or a school guidance counselor TODAY! They will report it to family services and an investigation will be made. If your story is true you will find yourself in foster care.
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