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How do I obtain records from when I was in care/foster-care
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I have tried everything to obtain records for when I was in care/foster care 1955 - 1965 to no avail I would also like to know if my mother is alive - I have not seen her since 1955. I have searched records - there are no death record for her, so hopefully she is still alive.
Family and foster care
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I had a boy 5 months later he was abducted by his dad ,I reported but no where to get him ,I later left to Europe and I wrote in my permit stay that I heave no child ,this year he has died and child returned to my mum,how will I convince the government that he is my son? And did I do wrong to writ...
I was in foster care and I want to find my real family
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Does anyone know how I can find my real mother? I know that she has gotten remarried since I was put into care so now I don't know what or how to find her
My nephews are in foster care and I want to care for them myself.
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My nephews are in foster care and their mam,my sister has recently mam has recently been denied kinship of the children,and I'm putting myself forward to care for them.what are my chances against social services. View more questions Search