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Prepaid insurance an asset?
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According the GAAP (the 3 asset criteria), how can I justify that Prepaid insurance is an asset? (i.e. I know that costs are known and that it will provide future benefit for the company, but is this future benefit measurable)?
Prepaid insurance
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I have a problem... I am renewing my company's insurance policy and I am paying 25% downpayment of the premium in Sept. and the rest in 10 monthly installments. When I pay down the 25% do I record this is prepaid insurance? Also, the 10 monthly installments should be recorded as insurance...
Where can I buy prepaid cards
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Where can I buy a prepaid card to be able to download music from the internet for my MP3 player. I know I can download it for free, but I don't want to do that.
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Company A is sending a check to Company B(manufacturing company) each month as a prepay to cover expenses. On the books of Company B upon receiving the check from Company A, the check would be recorded as a debit to cash and a credit to what? What type of prepaid account should be set up? Once... View more questions Search