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A debit balance of $4,000.00. His bank statement showed a balance of $4,270.00. On co
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A debit balance of $4,000.00. His bank statement showed a balance of $4,270.00. On comparison the following were found: * check issued amounting to $2,500.00 has not been cashed * The bank rejected checks amounting to $140 * Standing order for a staples order of $700 was note noted. * A...
Cannot get my bank reconciliation to balance
[ 1 Answers ]
Bank statement bal, 4150, my bal. 3969.85-bank charges of 30.50, collection of 1236 by bank for note, undeposited receipts 3390, outst. Cks. 2136.05 NSF ck 253.20 ck for 90 entered in my cacct. As 60 ck for 491 enteer in my acct. as 419 and ck 58.20 was entered in my acct. as 582. My final... View more questions Search