New Member
Jul 26, 2006, 05:51 PM
Dress Colour for Hair Colour?
Hey, my name's Michelle, and I have no idea what colour dress looks good on me. I have long (longer than shoulder-length) straight blonde hair, and pale blue eyes. I'm tanned, but not too tanned, and I'm average weight. I was wondering if there's any colour scheme or something to figure out what colour dress would look the best on me. Can you please help me out?
Thanks, :)
Full Member
Oct 25, 2006, 03:48 AM
You can try deep emerald greens, other shades of light blues and don't forget to experiment with reds; navy blues are nice too, but large amounts of black or white could make you look washed out.
New Member
Dec 17, 2006, 04:57 PM
I'd say if you have blue eyes a blue or purple dress would be cool.
Full Member
Jan 2, 2007, 08:09 PM
I think darker coulers like a red or a dark blue
Junior Member
Feb 5, 2007, 01:39 PM
I'd try some light blue dresses, pink, or light green. You don't want any color that will contrast with your skin and hair, such as white, cream, or yellow. Good luck.
New Member
Feb 15, 2007, 07:16 AM
 Originally Posted by laylow80
You don't want any color that will contrast with your skin and hair, such as white, cream, or yellow. Good luck.
I think a beautiful deep purple hue.
A nice light blue/teal would work brilliant with your eyes.
Full Member
Feb 25, 2007, 04:55 PM
I would think that a
Turquoise dress-gold bohemian scheme(think carribeananborrabora queen of sincerity with a twist)
Brown Dress-Gold and red accents(think upbeat indian(western, no tfrom india)goddess who every one wants to dance with a the powwow)
OR Turquoise dress with black lace or embrodery on a mermaid like skirt of dress and little accents.Kinda Devilish but still sweet.
Deep Purple-Love it.Gold Accents(think African Queen or hollywood carpet star or pair with bright red lipstick and mysterious black eyes (not rocker chic, but more with mascara instead of eyeliner) for a reaaly Dramatic look, like phantom of the opera or one of those mysterious women in the old detective shows.BUT BEWARE! SOMETIMES RED LIPSTICK JUST MAKES THE LIPS LOOK CHAPPED OB SOME BLoNDES)
I hope I helped!
New Member
Feb 28, 2007, 08:58 AM
OK I know I'm answer a question with a question but I have the same problem I have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and I can't find a good colored cocktail dress for my Birthday
What should I do? :confused:
Junior Member
Mar 24, 2007, 05:48 AM
Well I have sarker blonde hair and purple, pink and dark blue and greens all look good ish.
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