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Christmas cartoon - 12 days of Christmas
[ 4 Answers ]
I've been trying to figure out WHAT this show is called... I just can't remember! Okay, first of all, I think it was called "The 12 Days of Christmas" or something pertaining to that subject. The characters were bear-like. But the story is told by a plucky lady partridge. There was a king who...
Help searching for an old christmas film?
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I need help searching for an old Christmas film! It had two boys in it called Tommy and Larry. One of the boys was poorly as he had to live in this isolated glass tank thing. Anyway his friend helps him to escape and they run home to his parents house where he dies at Christmas. Any ideas on what...
Christmas Song narration spells out Christmas
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I have heard a Christmas Song that is told as a story. It Spells out Christmas... C is for Christ H is for _______ R is for etc. I believe it was told by an older singer the voice sounded familiar but I'm not able to find the name of the song or the artist. I have been looking for this for two...
Your Top Christmas Carols & Christmas Songs
[ 38 Answers ]
Ok it's that time of year when the holidays are around :) and I was just thinking what are people's top Carols or Chritmas songs that they like? Christmas songs for me would be The Pogues, Fairytale of New York ;) and my Christmas Carol would have to be Joy To The World :) ! Please feel... View more questions Search