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Ask Me Help Desk FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

I forgot my Username and/or Password.

If you have forgotten your username or password, click here. Enter the email address that you used to register and click the "Request Username / Password Now" button. Then go check your email. You'll see an email from us that includes your Username, along with a link to click on to reset your password. Once you do that you will be logged in.

If you are using spam filtering software for your email, be sure that you put the domain in your whitelist or allowed list.

If you try to request the Username and Password but got a message that says "The email address you entered is not registered at Ask Me Help Desk":

That means that the email address you entered is not being used by any registered members. Be sure to enter your email address carefully, and/or try another email address. If none are found then either

a) You are not registered with that email address; try a different email address that you may have used.

b) You are not registered. You may have entered your registration informatin but not completed the process. Click here to register, being sure to complete all fields and then click the "Sign Up" button.

If you have also forgotten the email address you used when you initially signed up, simply register again with a new username - and whatever email address you want to use. You may then begin using the site with that username.

Can I Change My Username?

As stated when you signed up, the Username cannot be changed. If you wish to continue using the site, but with a different Username, you may register again with a new one.

Can I Delete my Username/Remove my Membership?

Usernames/Memberships cannot be deleted. Use of this site and receipt of various notifications are completely voluntary.

You may stop using your membership at any time.  You may also edit or remove any personal information and/or notifications in your Profile.


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