New Member
Aug 25, 2008, 12:25 AM
I'm 16, and want emancipated.
I'm sure you see millions of these everyday. But hear me out, I'm 16 soon to be 17 in October. I have a steady job since February and know my weekly amount to expect on my checks. I want to be emancipated, for the simple fact living at home isn't easy. My parents have been divorced since I was 14. My mom is a stubborn self-centered person that sits at her computer 24/7. Since day 1 of my job, I have had to give my mother money for bills such as my cellphone, and the internet/house phone (because she can't survive without the internet). The reasons behind me wanting to be emancipated are because my father pretty much disowned me and kicked me out of his house, and I'm left with no choice but to live with my mom. & Living with my mom isn't bad, it's just not healthy. We live with limited electricity, and sometimes no electricity, and sometimes it's the same for water. I honestly cannot take living like this. I know that if I were on my own (regardless of being young) I would be living better than I am right now. I already have a plan on how I would make a living if I were on my own, I already have almost 5000$ saved for me to go threw with all of this. & I'm sure you are probably thinking "if she has that kind of money saved, why isn't she helping her mom?" well that's because regardless, it's my hard earned money that I've been saving to buy a car with, but lately have second guess it. I know how to take care of myself, on account I have been since January of 2006. I have figured in my amount of money each month, and if I were to be living on my own about how much I would be paying for food, utilities, and rent. I even estimated a down payment on an apartment. And knowing all of that the 5000$ I have in the bank, in my savings account with cover pretty much all of it. I obviously know how to pay bills, and work, and go to school and make good grades. I obviously have realized that when you have money, you can't just spend it all on what you want, because if you do, you won't be able to pay your bills, or pay for things you honestly need like food, clothes on my back, or a roof over my head. (which actually a lot of the time here, I do help pay for that.)
Now my question is, if I were to take that into a juvenile court, asking for emancipation what are my chances of being shot down? Also, is there a certain amount you have to pay to be emancipated, or do you just pay for a lawyer? And, can I file for emancipation without my parents concent?
Ultra Member
Aug 25, 2008, 07:12 AM
What state are you in? Do you already have a place to live? A judge will want to see exactly how you plan on paying your rent, utilities, food and work and finish school. To be honest, it can take quite a while for these cases to go through so if you are almost 17 you might just want to wait it out another year then you can do what ever you want.
Uber Member
Aug 25, 2008, 07:17 AM
[QUOTE=Aye_Bee91 - Now my question is, if i were to take that into a juvenile court, asking for emancipation what are my chances of being shot down? also, is there a certain amount you have to pay to be emancipated, or do you just pay for a lawyer? and, can I file for emancipation without my parents concent?[/QUOTE]
Varies State to State. The usual requirements are a job with sufficient income to support you, an apartment lined up/guaranteed (no staying with friends), you must finish school, you must have a general plan.
It takes a few months.
Ultra Member
Aug 25, 2008, 08:54 AM
If you really can wait it out to October 2009 when your be 18 years old, you already are on the right track. Note if you are granted to emancipated you must have an approciate place to live. It's weird because even though they know most landlords won't even consider renting to someone under 18, you must at least have somewhere to live that's approciate and it can be with someone. You still have to follow all the laws for example: you cannot purchase any alcohol beverages until your 21. You must remain in school and keep a good grade point average. It will be good to know what state you live in. Food for thought, if you already have money saved in the bank and if you were to tough it out for another year, your have more money and by then be on your way to college.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
Aug 25, 2008, 08:57 AM
I would go down to your local Family Court and ask for the requirements and process to get emancipated. From what you have said, I think you stand a better than average chance.
You will probably have to go for several hearings and present the judge with a plan and then follow through on it.
Ultra Member
Aug 25, 2008, 09:07 AM
I forgot to add, that there's a filing fee. When you go through family court they'll tell you the fee.
New Member
Aug 25, 2008, 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by stinawords
What state are you in? Do you already have a place to live? A judge will want to see exactly how you plan on paying your rent, utilities, food and work and finish school. To be honest, it can take quite a while for these cases to go through so if you are almost 17 you might just want to wait it out another year then you can do what ever you want.
I live in Indiana, and I have a place I can be. My friends dad owns a duplex, he pays utilities for the renters, but said he would rent it out to me, if I was able to be emancipated.
Also, I have heard and from everything I have read online about the legal age's of maturity and what not you have to be 21, and your parents can stop you from moving out before that age, which isn't what I want.
Is what I heard true?
Uber Member
Aug 25, 2008, 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Aye_Bee91
I live in Indiana, and I have a place i can be. My friends dad owns a duplex, he pays utilities for the rentors, but said he would rent it out to me, if i was able to be emancipated.
Also, i have heard and from everything I have read online about the legal age's of maturity and what not you have to be 21, and your parents can stop you from moving out before that age, which isn't what I want.
Is what I heard true?
Legal age in Indiana is 18 with some exceptions which I'm not going to bother to post.
Here is how emancipation in Indiana works. (I've posted this before so I'm quoting myself.)
"Indiana has no emancipation statute but a minor - a person under 21 - may apply to be emancipated and emancipation can be granted if the minor petitioner has proof and the Court decides:
1. The petitioning minor no longer requires control and protection wishes to be free from parental control and protection.
2. The petitioning minor understands all aspects of the consequences of being free from parental control and protection.
3. The petitioning minor has sufficient money for his/her support and maintenance.
4. The petitioning minor has an acceptable plan for independent living.
5. The petitioning minor intends to minimally obtain a high school diploma.
It is difficult to determine what a Judge might deem sufficient as a basis for emancipation because there are no laws to follow."
Ultra Member
Aug 25, 2008, 03:18 PM
Judy did an great job of giving you the run down on Indiana. I am from Indiana as well and can tell you that at 18 you can move where ever you want. What you will have to do is bring in a letter from your friends dad that basically guarantees you the place if you are emancipated. In that letter it needs to show the amount of rent to be paid and that the utilities are included in the rent. You will also have to bring in your pay stubs for at least a month (more is better). Present all the information to the judge on how you plan on finishing school as well and you should have a fair chance not a 100% chance or even close to 100% because they don't want you to end up on welfare and what not.
Ultra Member
Aug 25, 2008, 07:07 PM
And be prepared... things happen in life, and suddenly that careful budgeting goes out the window. So you will want to be sure that you have a reserve amount set aside.. no living from paycheck to paycheck. (For example, my routine car check up should have been $180. I just found out that there is some preventive maintenance that is going to up that to $2300. And yes, I trust this place, so I'm sure that they aren't messing with me... just a situation where the most expensive part of the car is starting to go out.) So... appliances break, you get sick, the hours get cut at work, someone breaks into your place and steals all your stuff. Be prepared to handle that.
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