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    mberger's Avatar
    mberger Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 3, 2008, 12:17 PM
    Putting a lien on ex husbands condo failure to pay vechiles due to court order
    Is there any way I can put a lien on my ex husbands condo for failure of paying on vechiles that were in our divorce papers stating that he has to make all payments, upkeep, maintenance and so of so forth? Because he stopped payment on already and that is going though the company that it was fincanced though now, but I am currently starting a battle on him not paying for a truck that is in both of our names, and he has been making the payments on them since 2005 oct when he left our home, he has been paying on them though his business checking account, no the truck isn't under his business, but he has been making all payments..

    What are my options? I really could use some help here.. because I really can't afford being a single mother of 2 minor children on taking another hit for another reposssion on my credit because of him.. what can I do to protect myself and hold him liable for the payments and for the court order that was signed by a judge in the state of Florida?
    stinawords's Avatar
    stinawords Posts: 2,071, Reputation: 150
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    May 3, 2008, 12:40 PM
    I would suggest going back to court. You will need to bring in the letters or whatever proof you have from the loan companies that he hasn't been making payments as he was ordered to. The judge can hold him in contempt if he/she finds that he is delinquent enough or may use another method to get money. But by going back to court it will be on record. You can try to get a lien but some states are very particular on who can get one and the proceedings differe from state to state as well.
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    May 3, 2008, 01:17 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by stinawords
    I would suggest going back to court. You will need to bring in the letters or whatever proof you have from the loan companies that he hasn't been making payments as he was ordered to. The judge can hold him in contempt if he/she finds that he is delinquent enough or may use another method to get money. But by going back to court it will be on record. You can try to get a lien but some states are very particular on who can get one and the proceedings differe from state to state as well.
    Good advice here.

    You could sue him yourself, and eventually you may have to, but you need to address the issues contained in the divorce with the judge who ordered them. Before you could put any lien, or garnish any wages, or levy any bank accounts you will have to sue and win a judgment first.

    Good Luck!

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