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SSI benefits and Child Support for Adult Child.
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Does anyone know if a parent can still be obligated to pay child support to a severely disabled adult child for the life of the child? (even if the child is receiving state benefits) we are in Cali...
Ex-Wife not paying child support of seeing the child
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We just recently got the divorce final my I got custody and she is suppose to have visitation every other weekend she will pick her up Friday and drop her off Saturday. She was suppose to take her for the whole month of June and July but said she cannot because she has no one to watch her. She...
Paying Child Support to mom who abandoned child
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I'll try to be brief... My 17 year old daughter chose to live with her mom 100% of the time a year and a half ago. My ex drug me through the court system fighting for an increase in my child suport even though I was still paying her (through automatic deduction from my pay check) for my daughter...
Paying child support
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In the state of Illinois if you become unemployed with no income. What is the minimum amount of child support that you are required to pay according to Illinois state child support statute and where can this information be obtained. ( child support on one child and no marriage involved). View more questions Search