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    sundaisy's Avatar
    sundaisy Posts: 2, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 27, 2009, 12:41 AM
    Emancipation of minor: need expert
    I have a sticky situation. I have a boyfriend who recently went to prison, he is 19 years old. He was sent because of his burglary charges, but there was one charge- criminal sexual conduct, that is preventing me from having a contact visit (in person) with him.
    -in regards to the criminal sexual conduct: he had turned 18, and four months later engaged in a consensual sexual relationship with a 15 yr. old. She ran away because her step-father was abusive, police were involved, they asked questions about her boyfriend, her step-father pressed charges because he didn't like him, the rest is self explanatory. As of now, his life is ruined, he must register as a sex offender, because of this ridiculous charge. In a nutshell, it's a crock of .

    Because of this, I am only able to have a non-contact visit (behind glass). I am 17 years old, in 4mo. I will legally be an adult, 18, and MCF St.Cloud, Minn. Still deemed it necessary that we have only non-contact visits. I am trying to find a way around this, to at least have contact visits. The only other ways I believe this can happen, are for us to be married (with consent from my mother), or for him to appeal which could take up to 9 months, and then, it wouldn't matter.

    I stumbled upon the term 'emancipated minor' today, and found that it entails all rights of a legal adult, I am wondering if this would be a way for me to visit. Since I would "legally" be an adult, they can't prevent me from having a contact visit then, could they?
    Although, the reasons for becoming an emancipated minor are different, do you think the court would grant me permission in my unorthodox situation?
    I would still be living with my parents, they would still support me, and I will be graduating school, but do I need to have a job and be financially stable on my own to be an emancipated minor?

    - so lost.
    justcurious55's Avatar
    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Nov 27, 2009, 01:07 AM

    Did you actually look into the whole process of being emancipated at all? Yes, you need to be financially independent. Yes, you have to be on your own and able to support yourself completely without any assistance. And you don't just get to petition the court to be emancipated and have them say "ok, sure." they want to know why. And there is no way that any judge in their right mind is going to grant it all because you can't wait a few months have physical contact with your loser boyfriend. And yes, a guy who is 19 and behind bars is a loser. No excuses. I don't care if he or that little girl calls it consensual or not, it is STATUTORY RAPE. He should have known better. Because to everyone on the outside what he did was take advantage of a vulnerable little girl. And now you just have to be with him?
    sundaisy's Avatar
    sundaisy Posts: 2, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 27, 2009, 01:44 AM

    Hm, you know actually I did.. But you see the reason I asked here, is because I'm not a lawyer and have no experience dealing with this, you paraquat. I asked a simple question and expected a respectful, insightful answer, not an answer from someone that spends their time on the internet trying to make other people feel inferior by giving hard arsed remarks. Just because you can give an opinion, it makes you feel important, right? Your cute. Oh.. and you think we didn't figure out what 'statuatory rape' means, you make me giggle on the inside, you're a moron. And just because that's what the state defines it as, doesn't mean he brutally raped some poor, defenseless, little girl.

    And honestly, If I didn't know better, I'd think you yourself were a minor, purely by the way you speak. You are sad. And I wouldn't be calling someone else a "loser", as I can see that you spend quite a bit of time sitting your rear on the computer talking to people that you'll never see, and that couldn't give a rats end about whether you live or die. Do the world a favor, meet some real people, or better yet get out of the house, hm?
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Nov 27, 2009, 11:12 AM

    And this explains loud and clear why she is not/should not be allowed to see her sexual pervert boyfriend.

    Love the people who can't solve their own problems so they post them on the Internet, get an answer not to their liking and insult the people who answered for (also) being on the Internet!

    Thank goodness MN is so far from NY!
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 27, 2009, 12:14 PM

    First, you need to read the rules of this site. Tossing out insults and personal attacks is not allowed. I was tempted to remove your response since it violates our rules, but I decided to leave it because it shows just what type of person you are.

    Second, what is a paraquat? The only thing I could find is that it's a herbicide.

    I'm going to say that I agree with justcurious's response. Your 19 yr old boyfriend is in jail for burglary charges (note the plural). If he committed multiple burglaries then he is, indeed, a loser. He is a criminal, girl! Don't you get that?

    And not just any type of criminal, besides being a thief, he's a predator. No one said anything about having "brutally raped some poor, defenseless, little girl.". Statutory rape means having sexual relations with someone under the age of consent. Even if the girl seduced him, he had sex with a minor. I'm sure he had heard the term "jail bait". Now you said this happened 4 months after he turned 18, Since he's currently 19, that means either this happened while you were dating or you have only be dating him for around a year. Either way this does not bode well for your relationship.

    The response you reacted so poorly to was someone being concerned that you are involving yourself, at 17, with convicted felon and sex offender. That's why the response was so harsh.

    As for emanicipation, if you are going to live at home supported by your parents you are not eligible for emancipation. And the process to obtain emancipation generally takes longer then the amount of time you have before you turn 18.

    But I strongly urge you to reconsider your relationship with this person. He IS a loser and your future with him looks pretty grim.

    And your mother is willing to allow you to marry this person? I find that hard to believe.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 27, 2009, 03:34 PM

    First from the legal side,
    Yes you can BUT

    It will take 6 months to a year to get it into court and longer if your parents fight it. You will be way past 18 before this would even get into court.

    And to qualify you will have to have a job where you can pay for all of your living expenses on your own.

    And yes there are 1000's of people in jail for rape like this. But it is a law, and he broke it. But the other crimes are not "bull" and even the rape is not bull since it is the law for the protection of minors.
    justcurious55's Avatar
    justcurious55 Posts: 4,360, Reputation: 790
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    Nov 27, 2009, 08:20 PM

    And do you feel grown up now because you told me off, someone you'll never see, over the internet?

    You've only proven your immaturity. You can try to petition the court for emancipation. But I wouldn't hold out much hope of actually being emancipated.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Nov 28, 2009, 08:43 AM

    If Mom gets the same reaction that the Board got Mom may very well be in a hurry to emancipate this child, no matter what the cost, to stop the upset to the rest of the family.

    OP could also - and the language varies by State - be classified as a Minor in Need of Supervision if the Mom decides it is necessary.
    stinawords's Avatar
    stinawords Posts: 2,071, Reputation: 150
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    Nov 28, 2009, 09:12 AM

    As many other have said there is no way to be emancipated before turning 18. You don't meet any of the qulaifications for emancipation. And seriously, a criminal boyfriend that you can't stay away from for four months? Non of the charges are bull. I remember being in high school my senior year when I and a lot of my friends were 18. And guess what no guy that was 18 would even think about touching a girl under the age of concent with a ten foot pole!! He was out of line and deserved the charges.

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