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How can my husband adopt my son if there is no father listed on birth certificate
[ 16 Answers ]
I live in Ca, my husband wants to adopt my 4 year old son. There is no father on his birth certificare and, I have not seen his bio father since I was 2 mounths pregnant. The bio father does not know he was born. My husband has been around since he was 8 mounths old and wands to adopt. How do we...
No father listed on birth certificate how can husband adopt but I know who the dad is
[ 2 Answers ]
I know who the dad is he didn't want his name on it .so how can my husband adopt my daughter? And plus I have a pfa on this guy good until dec.18,2011
Does a step father have rights if no father is listed on birth certificate
[ 4 Answers ]
My daughter is 8yrs and my husband has been the one that has taken care of her since she was 2 yrs. Her bio father isn't listed on her because but we have had a dna test done. He doesn't want to be part of her life but doesn't know if he wants to sign over his rights! Does my husband have any...
No father listed on birth certificate how can husband adopt
[ 15 Answers ]
I live in KS. I don't know who my baby's biological father is, how can my husband adopt? There is no fater listed on the birth certificate. And what if someone later in life were to question if they were the father what would happen then? View more questions Search