New Member
Feb 11, 2013, 07:45 PM
I think I'm a good singer and I am really working hard to be famous but where I live there is nobody to discover me NOBODY famous came from here. Blaaaaaaargh!
Uber Member
Feb 11, 2013, 07:47 PM
What you think doesn't matter... other people have to think that... a LOT of other people, then you need to get really, really lucky.
And you HAVE to have just the right song at just the right time.
But don't quit your day job... few people make enough to support themselves much less get famous.
New Member
Feb 11, 2013, 07:49 PM
 Originally Posted by smoothy
What you think doesn't matter....other people have to think that....a LOT of other people, then you need to get really, really lucky.
And you HAVE to have just the right song at just the right time.
But don't quit your day job....few people make enough to support themselves much less get famous.
I do not have a job I am very young and acctully I have gotten every solo in my choir show thingy! Lol
Uber Member
Feb 11, 2013, 08:43 PM
Well, pursue your dream... but plan on having to do something else for a living... very, very few people ever make it in that industry. Its best to plan for a real career.. and do that as a hobby in your spare time... if you aren't one of the very few lucky ones... you will not have wasted your time. And if you are... then you are ready.
Pets Expert
Feb 11, 2013, 08:47 PM
You don't need to live in an area where famous people live, or are discovered. Thanks to YouTube, anyone can be a star. Most of the singers that are now famous, were discovered on YouTube. So make a video, post it on YouTube. If you really are a good singer, the rest will take care of itself. If you're not, you either won't get any hits, or you'll get nothing but negative feedback, but at least you'll know if you've really got what it takes.
Good luck.
New Member
Feb 23, 2013, 08:21 PM
 Originally Posted by Alty
You don't need to live in an area where famous people live, or are discovered. Thanks to youtube, anyone can be a star. Most of the singers that are now famous, were discovered on youtube. So make a video, post it on youtube. If you really are a good singer, the rest will take care of itself. If you're not, you either won't get any hits, or you'll get nothing but negative feedback, but at least you'll know if you've really got what it takes.
Good luck.
thank you but I do not have a YouTube account and my parents won't let me get one
Pets Expert
Feb 23, 2013, 08:25 PM
 Originally Posted by Care_forever
thank you but i do not have a youtube account and my parents wont let me get one
Then you'll have to wait until your 18.
Why won't your parents allow you to have a YouTube account? My 10 year old daughter has one. I monitor what she watches, and if she wanted to post, I'd review it before it got posted. But I don't see why they would say no, unless they're too lazy to monitor you.
Do they know you're on this site asking questions? Do they monitor your computer use at all?
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