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La petite frost highlight kit has 2 lightening powders & I only used 1
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I only used one of the packets of lightening powder because the other was upside down next to the conditioning shampoo packet. I didn't know there were 2, how will this effect the color?
Petite Princess Fantasy Furniture, wanting to sell?
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About 20 years ago I received some Petite Princess Fantasy Furniture. I believe they were sold by Sears. I am wondering if they are worth anything? They have been sitting in my cedar chest and I really have no use for them. Most of them are still in their original boxes. I see a few for sale...
Petite trousers.
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I'm 5ft and cannot find a decent pair of trousers/jeans that fit me. Even when I go into petite sections of a store they seem to be a bit too long!! I'm so frustrated that I stick to leggings all the freaking time. It used to be OK when I lived with my parents as they tucked the trousers in... View more questions Search