New Member
Feb 22, 2014, 08:34 PM
I have no idea what I want to be what I get older
Like I really want to be a professional cosplayer but its not exacataly a job you go to collage for... I love singing,drawing,acting,and gymnastics but I'm just confused on what I should be... someone help please... I know I want to go to the university of south Florida
Uber Member
Feb 22, 2014, 09:02 PM
Singing Drawing, acting and gymnastics aren't likely to be jobs you can earn enough to pay rent and eat. They are fine as hobbies....but go into a field you can support yourself in.
New Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:14 AM
The thing is I don't like anything else
Uber Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:27 AM
How old are you now?
New Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:29 AM
I'm turning 17 in 2 months
Uber Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:30 AM
AH!. not a whole lot of time then. SInce you don't know what else yuou like... how about narrowing down choices by eliminating things you hate?
Keep in mind however....sometimes you have to take the job you can find...and might not have the option of taking the one you want. A LOT of college graduates have been finding that out the last few years.
Your first job will unlikely be your last....it will usually take you to the next better job that might be closer to what you want as you gain more work experience..
And at 17...odds are what you like now..won't be what you like in another 4 or 5 years anyway. However if you plan on taking a specialized College program....you really do want to have a better idea so its not time and money wasted.
New Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:36 AM
I don't want to go into the medical field, math field, law, not science eather, and I love just being creative, I do love kids but I don't think child care would be good for me... so I have no clue
current pert
Feb 24, 2014, 11:37 AM
5 weeks ago you were raped by your brother in law, with your sister being complicit in the same bed. Stop worrying about your career. Do what you love to do. You can make a good living in the arts, IF you are good enough, so tell us truthfully how much talent you think you have. Not what best friends and family tell you, but what teachers tell you. How dedicated are you? It is fiercely competitive even when you do have talent, and it takes something from deep within, not from people praising or criticizing.
One suggestion I have is to study subjects that relate to the arts, the ones that are on the sidelines. For every TV announcer, there are 10 people running the show in the background, and they have jobs for a lot longer than the ones on show.
New Member
Feb 24, 2014, 11:41 AM
I know, I'm at a group home now... and I still have to figure out what I want to be... I think I'm really good at singing and a decent drawer... with gymnastics I'm really competitive when I do something I want to get it right... and cosplay... I love it... I love making outfits and dressing up and acting like that character... but like I said not exactly careers you go to collage for... and I want to go to collage
current pert
Feb 24, 2014, 01:21 PM
There's nothing wrong with being competitive, as long as it doesn't ruin friendships, and as long as you can accept when you lose.
As for college (not collage, that's a type of artwork), try not to think of what you go there for. You go there to learn how to live away from home, how to study harder than you did in high school, and how to plan for a major during the years you are there. And plenty of people go into totally different careers than what they majored in. Lawyers become chefs, chefs become artists, teachers become singers, accountants become doctors... all learning helps all learning, all skills help all skills, all talent helps all talents.
I don't see more than 1 in a million actually getting recognized on cosplay enough to make a paying career out of it, but times can change, and you can prove me wrong. It doesn't strike me as requiring real talent at anything other than making costumes. How about costume designer? HUGE business in movies and television and live stage.
Feb 25, 2014, 12:19 AM
"Think I am good at signing" not to sound wrong, but a professional singer, will be taking voice lessons, learn to read music and learn music theory.
How often do you sing in front of people, do you take lessons, are you in Choir in high school ?
Art, do do you have a lot of drawings, paintings, that you can present ?
Next sorry but you decide what you do, and find a university to go to, unless that is the only one you can afford.
Many people work normal jobs and do art or music part time, since it is hard to make a living doing music or art alone
New Member
Feb 25, 2014, 11:13 AM
joypulv- thanks :)... costume designer? Huh... theres an idea... but I also like dressing up and stuff... I was also thinking about being a video game animator... like character design, and concept art... im still deciding though
New Member
Feb 25, 2014, 11:16 AM
Fr_Chuck- I don't have the money to be taking voice lessons right now... id love to though and I know how to read music and studying music theory on some of my free time... and I'm on an internet school so can't really do choir right now... and yes I do have a lot of drawings... I love to draw cartoons, like disney and fan art... and I want to go the USF university of south Florida in orlando
current pert
Feb 25, 2014, 03:08 PM
Living in a group home and finishing high school online must be tough enough without wondering too much about your career, since so many of us change our minds a lot.
I'd be more concerned with who your guidance counselor will be in your senior year? Who will help you get into college? Will you need a scholarship, or can family help with some of it? Those are the concrete concerns for now.
Keep in mind that any career path in the arts gets more involved. Computer animation requires some pretty advanced knowledge of software. Costume design requires a lot of study of history. If you are good at Disney characters, you should be attempting more difficult ones. It's fun, but it's still work.
New Member
Feb 27, 2014, 11:41 AM
joypulv- my parents are trying to get me into a regular school... so I can't to internet schooling right now and I'm missing a lot of work and it sucks... and ill get school loans... my parents are strapped for cash right now... and my counselor depends on what school I'm going to be put into... and I know its work.. everything is... but I know I'm still going to love it
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Feb 27, 2014, 02:17 PM
I'm 68 and still haven't decided what to be. I've been a grocery store clerk, a telemarketer, a picker of sweet cherries and apples, a teacher, a wife and mother, a secretary, a book store clerk, a teacher again, a librarian, a job/career coach, a counselor, and a writer. Right now, I'm still a writer and also freelance editor. And a wife and a mom.
All of that came about as I took baby steps, from school class to school class, from high school to college, from one job to another. That's what you have to do -- take baby steps. Live life in the moment and be everything good you can be and learn everything you possibly can right where you are right now.
current pert
Feb 27, 2014, 02:51 PM
I finally got to give Wondergirl a greenie again.
There's a tendency these days for teachers to tell students that they can 'be anything they want to be.' Yet in the arts, especially the performing arts like singing, DIScouragement is a better preparation for the hard knocks of rejection. The young aspiring actor hangs around the dressing room saying he wants to act, and the famous actor says 'Get lost kid - you can't act.' If you give up, that's it. If you take it as a challenge, you may prove them all wrong.
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