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I need to leave my husband!
[ 16 Answers ]
My husband and I have been married for 5 years in July. We just had an all out brawl tonight. We pretty much started fighting about nothing like always and then it blew up like it always does. Anyway we have two kids together and I have one son from a previous relationship. I'm also pregnant. ...
My husband won't leave
[ 2 Answers ]
Need to leave my husband. He refusses to leave the home. I want to stay in the home with my children. He does't think I will really leave. If I do what are my rights?
Help to leave my husband?
[ 3 Answers ]
I want to leave my husband, he is a compulsive liar he steals from me and my children. He has threatened me and been abusive, I don't have any family as I moved to another country to be with him, I don't have anybody to turn to and want to know what the first steps are, I'm a stay at home mum so...
Should I leave my husband?
[ 3 Answers ]
My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years, and I'm just not sure if we should really be together. We have never been intimate in the 5 years we have been together, and when I bring it up with him, he just apologizes and says that it's his fault and he will do better, but still nothing...
Should I leave my husband
[ 31 Answers ]
I don't know what to do. My husband and I have been married for ten years. It has been rocky from the very beginning. In the past, whenever we would get into an argument, he would become physically violent. A couple of years ago, he bit a plug out of my hand, and it required medical treatment. I... View more questions Search