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How can someone accept me when I can't accept myself?
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I am a mom to 5 beautiful kids and am getting married June 20th of this year. My fiancé works as a truck driver so we can afford for me to stay home with the kids. I honestly don't know where to begin. Today is mother's day, and I wanted to commit suicide. I have great kids and I love them so much,...
Why can't I accept it?
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I feel terrible. I know my boyfriend watched porn occasionally however I never seem to be able to accept. A couple of months ago I found some on his computer and confronted him. He told me that he rarely does it and that whens he's bored and I'm not around he likes to do it, but he rarely does. ...
To Accept or Not Accept a Gift
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It's the Christmas season, so yesterday I spent the day making cookies which were then wrapped in a decorative tin that I gave to a male co-worker as a thank you for help done at work and for the occasional ride home from work. I was quite surprised when he handed me a little gift bag in return....
Should I accept?
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I met this guy online about 2 weeks ago. We went on 1 date, and he met my mother when I he picked me up... I am VERY comfotable around him :o, he has all the qualities that I look for, and yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend... :eek: I don't know if I should wait and get to know him a...
Will they ever accept me?
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This isn't to do with adult sexuality but I couldn't find a place to post this so I'm sorry. I am a pre-op transsexual - female to male (ftm). I have always been more of a boy from a baby and have hated my body and girly things. I've always been more attracted to boys clothes, toys etc and the 1st... View more questions Search