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Q & A about Sears garage door openers?
[ 2 Answers ]
I bought a half horse sears garage door opener but there is a beam in my garage running at right angles to the track and hanging down about eight inches. If the opener track was about six inches shorter it would clear the beam. Can the track and chain be shortened a bit?
How to synchronize remotes for garage door openers
[ 1 Answers ]
I have two remotes for my garage door opener. When I synchronize one remote, the other one doesn't work. Then I synchronize the second one, then the first one doesn't work. How can I synchronize both of them?
Garage door openers not working over 5 ft away?
[ 1 Answers ]
Both my garage door openers will not operate the door unless they are right in front of it. New batteries in remote did not help. Anyone know what the problem could be?
Garage door openers conflicts with each other
[ 1 Answers ]
I have one Sears garage door opener and one Overhead door opener. The Overhead remote will periodically will open the Sears door. I have reset both openers by pressing and holding the learn button for up to 60 seconds. I have unplugged the Sears, pressed the learn button on the Overheard...
BOTH garage door openers quit working
[ 4 Answers ]
The remotes used to work but we've only been renting here 8 weeks. They worked for a couple weeks and then just quit. You can open the door using the button inside the garage but neither of the remotes will open or close the door at all now. We have changed the batteries so that's not the problem. ... View more questions Search