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    fletcmw's Avatar
    fletcmw Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 15, 2007, 09:09 AM
    Voltage on ground wire?
    Using a volt meter, I get a 120 v reading when touching the neutral wire and the bare ground wire. I get no reading when touching the black hot wire and the white neutral wire. What would cause this?

    Also, in what circumstances would a black wire and a white wire be connected with a wire nut.

    pelle's Avatar
    pelle Posts: 96, Reputation: 0
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    Apr 15, 2007, 11:38 AM
    I have seen a black attached to a white wire. It is usually in a light box when the power is coming into the fixture box being sent down to a switch and back up to the fixture. This is usually seen in older houses when the light fixtures where controlled by pull strings and switches where added after.

    When this wiring is done a band of black tape or other markings are usually placed on the white wire going to the switch to indicate wire is carrying power.
    I have also seen this when somebody has switched the neutral (white) instead of the power(black). This will be seen in switch box.
    If your situation is different please give more details.
    shuntripper's Avatar
    shuntripper Posts: 180, Reputation: 8
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    Apr 15, 2007, 04:57 PM
    Are you at the fixture box and have two back wires and two white wires? If u put voltmeter between two hots (same phase) you will not read a voltage (no diff in potential)
    shuntripper's Avatar
    shuntripper Posts: 180, Reputation: 8
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    Apr 15, 2007, 07:04 PM
    Right Pelle we need more info. Fletcmw,you said you read nothing between the black hot and the white neutral. If the white is now a switched hot of the same phase then you will also read nothing, regardless of what color it is. Remember what Pelle said about a black nutted to a white. If you post your answer as a comment then I can't post an answer and you gave me a negative reputation box when you are the one who misunderstands my answer. Just click the "Answer this Question " button to communicate.
    fletcmw's Avatar
    fletcmw Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 16, 2007, 08:20 PM

    Oh No. Did not realize I was giving a negative rating. Thought I was only answering if your answer was helpful in my particular situation without being judgemental. I probably posed my question poorly. The white/black connection was something I had seen and was courious about. I meant for the voltage question to be non-related. I have since rewired the situation from scratch and resolved my problem (whatever it was). If there is some procedure to drop the negative rating to your input, I would be happy to correct it.


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