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    mr500's Avatar
    mr500 Posts: 181, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2008, 07:23 PM
    Sizing Wire
    Im running a new 100amp sub about 40 ft from house. Ive been reading but wanted to know you guys' opinion. Should I go with THWN #3 for my Hots/Neutrals. And #8 for EQ Gnd.?

    I'm kind of confused about the 90/75 degrees that rate this type wire.

    Also I understand about having to conduit this in from panel to panel underground.

    Asking this because I was going with 2-2-4-6 al mobile home feeder but the place I was going to buy it from went out of business and I Won't listen to the guys at HD and Lowe's. TIA.

    So in a nutshell I want to run 2 #3 for hots, 1 #3 for Neutral and 1 #8 for equipment gnd. Out to sub.
    Followed up with a #6 out to my gnd electrode from the panel... Does this all compute OR am I way off base?

    mr500's Avatar
    mr500 Posts: 181, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2008, 07:41 PM
    I just found a place that has the 2-2-4-6 direct burial mobile home feeder. It's a little cheaper being its aluminum. Is there a preference among you pros out there?

    OR should I go with the copper as mentioned above?
    Stratmando's Avatar
    Stratmando Posts: 11,188, Reputation: 508
    Uber Member

    Apr 16, 2008, 08:41 PM
    I'm a Copper person, I understand the Aluminum Conductors used now are much better and safer than the old days. Use a Good No Ox.
    mr500's Avatar
    mr500 Posts: 181, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2008, 08:52 PM
    Yes, I bought th ANTI-OX already and I won't be shy with it. I guess ill go with the 2-2-4-6 seeing how it's a little cheaper and I can do away with conduit since its direct burial. The guy at the Industrial House, said it would work my 100amp project. But then with everything turned on I might draw 45amps out total. Guess I am in good shape!!



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