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Replace non digital thermostat (2 wire) to new Digital termostat (2 wire)
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Hi: I bought a 2 wire, heating only, millivolt thermostat to replace a non digital 2 wire thermostat. The thermostat wires from the stove are connected to "RH" and "TH/TP" . The terminals in the new thermostat are labeled "RH" and "W". "TH" wire from the stove would be connected to what...
I have 2-wire (W, & R) going to a new digital thermostat (W, & RC jumpered to RH).
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The $100,000 question is: DO I KEEP THEM JUMPERED and connect JUST TO RH, or DO I DISCONNECT THE JUMPER AND JUST WIRE 'R' from furnace to 'RH' and leave 'RC' out of the loop completely?
Honeywell digital thermostat to old two wire?
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How to hook Honeyweel 5 terminal to 2 wire furnace? Connections, Y, G, Rh, Rc, W
How do I wire in a digital thermostat?
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Hello, I have a question. How do I wire in a digital thermostat as my current thermostat's (Nordyne 914832) wiring is y g r o w2 c and I purchased every model Home Depot had (up to the $8x.00 ones) and when I tried wiring up the way the instructions said I had either (depending on which model)...
How do I wire in a digital thermostat
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My thermostat wiring is y g r o w2 e c .the new wiring is c g y o/b rc r aux e l . Can someone tell me how to wire it. I'm trying to wire in a honeywell digital thermostat. Model rth7400 my current therm is a nordyne 914832. Please help View more questions Search