New Member
May 30, 2011, 03:15 PM
Old apartment building, only 2 circuits, what can I get away with?
I don't know all the correct technical terms so please bare with me.
I live in an old apartment building that I've recently come to find out that my unit only has 2 circuits. One circuit is for the entire 3 room unit which is labeled 20 on the breaker box and the other circuit is the socket in the bathroom which is labeled 15 on the breaker.
I can run all my electrical gadgets on the single 20 (amp?) circuit just fine. The problem arises when I need to use the toaster, microwave, or a window AC. Right now I've got this classy long orange extension cord that's plugged in in the bathroom that I drag around to whatever extra thing I need to run (microwave, window AC, etc.. ).
Well, today is 90 degrees out and I need all 3 window AC units running. Can that 15 amp circuit take that kind of load? And if it can take it is that even safe to do?
Any other suggestions would be helpful as well.
Full Member
May 30, 2011, 07:26 PM
Hmm it could be borderline, window A/Cs can vary on power consumption. You might add up the wattage of all your A/Cs (amps = watts/120) and find out how many amps you're using. I would try to restrict it to 14 amps or less. What all are you running on your 20 AMP circuit? If it's just things like TV's and alarm clocks you could probably plug some more in. This is another situation where you may want to add up your amperage. And also, make sure you're not overloading your extension cord. Maximum amps/watts should be printed on it.
Full Member
May 30, 2011, 07:27 PM
I really don't think you should attempt to run all three air conditioners on one circuit though. Hope this helped.
Uber Member
May 30, 2011, 07:44 PM
Starting current will trip the breaker with 3 AC's. Grossly underpowered and most definitely out of code. Extension cords are very unsafe. I'd try to get the owner to upgrade, at least a circuit or 2 for you.
New Member
May 30, 2011, 08:42 PM
On the 20 amp circuit, I've got my TV, xbox, ps3 stereo, laptop, computer with 2 monitors, refrigerator and of course lamps/alarm clock.
Would asking the rental company to add another circuit be something they could actually do in a building like this? Would that require digging into the walls and such? I have no idea how old the building is but the living room has a covered up what looks to be a gas pipe for a gas lamp or something.
On a side note, I'm thinking of getting one of those devices that you screw into a light bulb socket that has sockets built into it and steal power from the light fixture on the back fire escape/stairs.
Uber Member
May 31, 2011, 07:02 AM
Besides the fact that you would be committing a crime by stealing power from the landlord,
 Originally Posted by Calumn
On a side note, I'm thinking of getting one of those devices that you screw into a light bulb socket that has sockets built into it and steal power from the light fixture on the back fire escape/stairs.
Tapping into a light fixture to run air conditioning will be a fire hazard, and you would be subject to additional crimes, such as manslaughter if anyone dies in the fire.
You do not have enough power to run one AC, let alone three.
Contact the landlord to have additional circuits installed properly.
Full Member
May 31, 2011, 05:51 PM
How old is your building? This seems ridiculous to be honest.
New Member
May 31, 2011, 08:25 PM
I have no idea, but like I said, there's a covered gas pipe in the main area that looks like it was at one time used for a gas lamp.
New Member
May 31, 2011, 08:28 PM
 Originally Posted by tkrussell
Besides the fact that you would be committing a crime by stealing power from the landlord,
Tapping into a light fixture to run air conditioning will be a fire hazard, and you would be subject to additional crimes, such as manslaughter if anyone dies in the fire.
You do not have enough power to run one AC, let alone three.
Contact the landlord to have additional circuits installed properly.
"Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel"
But seriously, I did call them today and she said she would look into it. I'm roasting right now... (where's the steam face icon?)
New Member
May 31, 2011, 08:33 PM
One more reply, just wanted you all to see the level of class...
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