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    TomWS's Avatar
    TomWS Posts: 26, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 17, 2010, 11:12 AM
    Location of Towel Warmer/Timer with respect to Tub/Shower?
    What restrictions are there for placement of a hardwired towel warmer with respect to a tub with a shower ring/curtain?

    Same question with respect to the timer for the warmer.

    Presumably these need to be put on QFCI circuits but any restrictions with respect to the distance from the tub?

    Is there a specific 'class' of warmer/timer I should be looking for (spash tolerant, etc)?

    tkrussell's Avatar
    tkrussell Posts: 9,659, Reputation: 725
    Uber Member

    Apr 18, 2010, 04:08 AM
    There is no restrictions, other than the obvious, not having the appliance or switch inside the tub or shower area.

    If plugged in then the receptacle must be GFI protected. Hardwired units do not need GFI, but is a good idea.

    A standard timer will be fine. If close enough for water to splash onto it, a raintight cover may be needed. I would thin you can keep the timer away from the tub/shower area enough to keep water from splashing on it.
    TomWS's Avatar
    TomWS Posts: 26, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 18, 2010, 05:39 AM

    Thanks, as always, I appreciate your quick and thorough response.

    It was the phrase "out of the tub/shower area" that I struggle with. Is the "area" merely the vertical projection of the perimeter of the tub, or does it include some zone with 'n' inches of the tub perimeter?

    I agree about the timer logically, but some hardwired units have a recommendation of no more than two feet of cable between the timer and the warmer (which seems extremely short given that this particular warmer was rated at less than 150Watts). Maybe they were trying to justify their particular splash 'proof' timer...

    Thanks again,
    BTW, I have not forgotten that I still owe you a good single malt...
    creahands's Avatar
    creahands Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 195
    Ultra Member

    Apr 18, 2010, 09:23 AM

    Outside tub/shower area is normal installation. With the shower door/curtain closed and u on inside, u should not see the towel holder.

    As tk stated there are no restrictions.

    Good luck


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